Wednesday, November 11, 2009

So here we go...

I have heard that indulging in a "blogspot" boosts success in your audience as well as your here we go!

My name is Lori Nelson and I have always been an "artsy" person. I am the creator of Shabulous Chandeliers/Shabulous Creations. I began an adventure a year or so ago of taking old chandeliers and making them new again. Sometimes I turn them into something all-together different. It's fun, it's different, it's unique. What can I say? I have a hard time being normal. In this blog I will share with you my inspirations, my strengths, my weaknesses, and the people and products that I feel passionate about.

I'm honestly not girlie I swear. I am my fathers daughter, a tomboy raised in the woods, archer, soccer player, and proud mother of my eight year old son whom loves spiders which I think is awesome! However, deep down, I guess I have my girlie side...I can create such beautiful things. I inherited my talent from my grandmother, Bonnie Walden. She was an amazing artist. I feel so blessed that my art in anyway may be compared to hers. Re-designing chandeliers is my outlet- a way of expressing myself and letting go of the world around me.

I don't know why I chose chandeliers. I didn't even really care about them before. But somehow somewhere along the way I discovered that they represent class, style, dignity, distinction, awe, and radiance. Plus, they make a striking statement! A light fixture can strangely reflect one's personality. I strive to dictate a truly unique personality with every piece!

Please, enjoy my work and appreciate my silly opinion on other matters. I'm not all serious and stuffy about art, I'm just having a lot of fun creating it!!! Thanks for your time... now buy something!!!

You can view my work at the following site:

You may also view my incomplete and unacceptable website at: (construction is slow an will be worked on...eventually........)

You may also email me with any questions or concerns at:

Have a shabulous day!


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